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Interdisciplinary Research Centre
CAM-IES Industry Workshop:  Energy Harvesting for Wireless Sensors and the Internet of Things, Thursday 12 April 2018


CAM-IES Industry Workshop: Energy Harvesting for Wireless Sensors and the Internet of Things

Thursday 12 April 2018


On 12 May 2018 the first CAM-IES Industry Workshop was held at Trinity College, Cambridge. The workshop brought together academic experts, with backgrounds in energy materials and devices, with industrial partners from a range of industries including IoT, autonomous sensors for environmental sensing and healthcare, wearable electronics etc. The workshop was successful as a platform for academic and industrial researchers to discuss common goals, to assess the effects of different working conditions on harvester performance for sensing and IoT applications. 

Wireless sensors and other autonomous IoT devices need to harvest sufficient energy from their environment so that they can operate reliably over years without requiring maintenance or battery changes. To ensure reliable energy supply under changing environmental conditions this may require combination of different forms of energy harvesting including light, electromagnetic, vibrational or thermoelectric energy harvesting, as well as careful design of the energy system including the battery and the energy harvester so that their operating characteristics are well matched to the low power microcontrollers used for recording and transmitting the relevant information.

The workshop started with a session of presentations from both industrial and academic speakers, outlining the state-of-the-art for energy harvesting, and summarising the main technological and research challenges. Very animated discussion followed, where some key research opportunities and potential collaborations were identified.


1.30pm to 6pm

Winstanley Lecture Theatre, Trinity College, Cambridge, CB2 1TQ


Workshop Programme


12 April 2018

13.30 to 18.00

Trinity College, Cambridge


Old Combination Room, Trinity College main site



Coffee, registration

Energy Harvesting poster session


Winstanley Lecture Theatre, Trinity College annexe (across Trinity Street from main college site)



CAM-IES Introduction from Clare Grey



1410-1425    MarkBaxendale – “Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting”

1425-1445    Simon King, CDT – "Printable Thermoelectrics to Enable the Self-Powered IoT Revolution"

1445-1500    Thermoelectrics discussion (chair: Mark Baxendale)



1500-1515    Sohini Kar-Narayan – “Electromechanical Energy Harvesting”

1515-1535    Roy Freeland, Perpetuum – “Practical Energy Harvesting for Powering IoT Wireless Sensor Networks”

1535-1550    Electromechanical energy harvesting discussion (chair: Sohini Kar-Narayan)



Coffee break



1620-1635    Akshay Rao – “Optical Energy Harvesting”

1635-1655    Mattias Kauer, Lightricity – “High-efficiency Light Energy Harvesting for IoT Applications”

1655-1710   Optical energy harvesting discussion (chair: Akshay Rao)



1710-1730    Anand Savanth, ARM – “Systems Design for Autonomous Wireless Devices”

1730-1745    Systems design discussion (chair: Richard Friend)

Final Remarks – Clare Grey
