The Energy Interdisciplinary Research Centre (IRC) has established a central role in supporting energy research across the University, fostering new connections between exciting energy research areas, enhancing research and education opportunities, performing horizon-scanning for funding opportunities and government priorities, and coordinating Cambridge-led national and international energy initiatives towards a sustainable planet and society.
We bring together the collective deep knowledge and research expertise of the University — from science and engineering through to policy, social sciences and humanities — to tackle the grand technical and intellectual challenges that must be overcome to achieve a global transition to a zero-carbon future. Working with research institutions, industry, funding agencies, benefactors, and UK and foreign government departments, our mission is to support research to maximise Cambridge’s impact on mitigating climate change.
We offer the following services:
For Academics
- Provide strong cross-disciplinary research support to academics applying for large grants in the energy space
- Provide post-award research and administrative support
- Advise University Council, Schools and Departments on energy research strategy
For Industry, Government and Funders
- Front door for all industry and external partners wishing to engage with the academic community and Cambridge-led research programmes
- Produce University-wide research mapping and support network building in the energy space
- Build relationships with UKRI and other funders
For Supporters
- Support preparation of gift opportunities
- Provide introductions to the latest academic research, innovative spin-outs and the wider Cambridge eco-system
- Forge international links to collaborative research initiatives and global centres
Energy IRC Contacts |
General enquiries energy [at] Raheela Rehman, Project Officer, Interdisciplinary Research Centre rr460 [at] Dr Shafiq Ahmed, Coordinator, Interdisciplinary Research Centre sa345 [at] |
Steering Committee |
Click here for further information of the Steering Committee. |
External Advisory Committee |
Click here for further information of the External Advisory Committee. |
Other useful University of Cambridge contacts:
Cambridge Zero
University of Cambridge department-based Knowledge Transfer Facilitators
Cambridge Enterprise
University of Cambridge Information for Business
Interdisciplinary Research Centres
University of Cambridge Strategic Research Initiatives and Networks
Cambridge Centre for Advanced Research and Education in Singapore (CARES)