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Interdisciplinary Research Centre
Wednesday, 15 September, 2021 - 15:00 to 18:00
Event location: 

It is hard to imagine a world without the modern petrochemical sector: chemicals and their derivatives are all pervasive. If the petrochemical sector is to prosper sustainably in the future, its products will need to be produced with dramatically lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and burden on natural resources. The accurate measurement of GHG emissions and modelling of future emissions will be a critical requirement to guide the petrochemical sector through this transition to a more sustainable future.

Preliminary agenda:

Session 1: Petrochemicals & Climate Change – This session will include talks from expert speakers including Nilay Shah (Imperial College, London), Anna Scott (Project Canary), David Allen (UT at Austin) 

Session 2: Project C-THRU – This session will be an introduction to the project Carbon Clarity in the Global Petrochemical Supply Chain and provide an opportunity to interact with Workstream leads

Session 3: Focus on Plastics – This session will being with a talk from Roland Geyer (UC Santa Barbara and author of The Business of Less) followed by a high-profile panel and Q&A session

Full agenda to follow after registration