A UKERC and Energy Institute event to highlight projects with EDI at their core and explore initiatives to diversify the energy sector.
Join the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) and the Energy Institute (EI) for this conference highlighting projects and initiatives that promote Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in energy – from academia to industry and beyond.
Through a combination of presentations, panel sessions and both structured and informal networking, you will discover what EDI initiatives work from people who have led the way, and learn how you and your organisation can make a difference – for example, by creating a more equitable, diverse and inclusive working environment and by listening to the needs of under-represented groups and communities.
You will have the opportunity to engage with researchers and EDI representatives about how their projects are having an impact in the real world, exchange ideas about career paths and progression, and discuss how EDI is already changing the energy sector for the better, as well as what needs to happen next.
The event will draw on the experience of projects supported by UKERC’s Whole Systems Networking Fund, as well as other EDI-linked projects and initiatives.
The event is aimed at people from across the energy/STEM sector, academia and beyond, and at all career stages – from those starting out to senior leaders. We welcome people who are new to the field of EDI, as well as experts and everyone in between.
In-person attendees will benefit from a certificate of participation* awarded by UKERC and the Energy Institute, enabling you to demonstrate a commitment to EDI to current or future employers.
Please note that the event will be recorded, and that due to the nature of the venue, the video stream/recording may capture members of the audience.
Agenda (timings are approximate)
- 10:00 – 10:30 (in person only) - Arrival and registration
- 10:30 – 10:35 - Opening remarks: Prof. Rob Gross, UKERC Director
- 10:35 – 11:00 - Keynote address: Prof. Christopher Jackson, Jacobs
- 11:00 – 11:30 - Introduction to EDI-related projects - Chair: Dr Xinfang Wang, University of Birmingham and UKERC EDI Champion
- 11:30 – 13:00 (in person only) - Structured networking focused on EDI-related projects
- 13:00 – 14:00 (in person only) - Networking lunch
- 14:00 – 15:00 - EDI case studies - Chair: Prof Becky Lunn, University of Strathclyde
(Including Bp: Elevating Neurodiverse Talent – Meike Bliebenicht; SO Energy – Julie-Ann Wyatt; International Network of Women in Cooling – Stephen Gill) - 15:00 – 16:00 - Panel discussion – ‘What’s next for EDI in energy? ’ - Chair: Georgina Worrall, POWERful Women (Including Aileen Bevan, Innovate UK (UK Research and Innovation; Sean McQuaid, Transition Through Inclusion and Diversity for Equity)
- 16:00 – 16:05 - Closing remarks
- 16:05 – 18:00 (in person only) - Networking reception
Projects represented at structured networking session
- Pride in Energy: Joshua Atkins, National Grid
- Tackling Inclusion and Diversity in Energy (TIDE): Rhiannon Phillips, Ofgem
- EDI+: Prof. Simone Abram , Durham Energy Institute, Durham University- Intersectionality in the Careers of Ethnic Minority Energy Professionals: Dr Mehreen Gul, Heriot-Watt University
- EDI in Energy Policy Development (UKERC): Dr Federico Caprotti, University of Exeter
- Energy Modelling for All (UKERC): Dr Lirong Liu, University of Surrey
- Energy SHINES (UKERC): Dr Rihab Khalid, University of Cambridge
- Energy, Health and Happiness (UKERC): Dr Eleanya Nduka, University of Warwick
Attend in person or online
Online attendance is available for plenary sessions, but not for the networking sessions (due to the nature of the event). You will be asked to specify in-person or online attendance when you reserve a place. If you opt to attend online, joining details will be shared with you closer to the event.
REGISTER: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/diversifying-the-energy-sector-edi-initia...
The conference venue is fully accessible - please see details on the Coin Street Conference Centre website: https://www.coinstreet.org/space-and-venue-hire/meetings-events-and-conferences/accessibility
For those attending online, simultaneous transcription will be available.
*A certificate of attendance will be available to attendees present for the duration of the main conference programme (10.30-16.00), awarded at the discretion of UKERC and the Energy Institute.