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Interdisciplinary Research Centre
Wednesday, 1 May, 2019 - 09:00 to 17:00
Event location: 
Newton Gateway to Mathematics


Stakeholders working with energy systems have to make complex decisions formulated from risk-based assessments about the future. The move towards more renewables in our energy systems complicates matters even further, requiring the development of an integrated power grid and continuous and steady transformation of the UK power system. Network flows must be managed reliably under uncertain demands, uncertain supply, emerging network technologies and possible failures and, further, prices in related markets can be highly volatile. Mathematicians working with engineers and economists, can make significant contributions to address such issues, by helping to develop fit-for-purpose models for next generation energy systems. These interdisciplinary approaches are looking to address a range of associated problems, including modelling, prediction, simulation, control, market and mechanism design and optimisation.

This knowledge exchange workshop is part of the four months Research Programme at the Isaac Newton Institute (INI) on The Mathematics of Energy Systems. Participants on this programme are highly interdisciplinary and key aims are to develop methodology which is urgent for the next several years and to sow the seeds of a lasting mathematical research agenda. This event will focus on disseminating the key research outputs from the programme and will highlight aspects relevant to energy sector stakeholders and the future research agenda.

This knowledge exchange event will feature a number of talks from academic researchers and end users (transmission and distribution network operators). It will provide an opportunity for those from industry and the public sector, to access state-of-the-art theory and methods for energy systems modeling, as well as to help foster links between the various communities. A number of research tracks from the INI research programme will be featured in the academic talks and these will include:

  • Budgeting and scheduling of maintenance and replacement of power system components 
  • Planning under uncertainty
  • Moving energy through time: storage and demand side response
  • Pricing and optimisation of intraday/day-ahead electricity and futures contracts 
  • Computation in markets with risk
  • Transmission and distribution network operators perspectives


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