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Interdisciplinary Research Centre
Tuesday, 28 July, 2020 - 10:30 to 12:30
Event location: 

Remanufacturing offers the opportunity for manufacturers to increase the security of their supply chains, gain competitive advantage in the market, reduce their CO2 emissions and increase their corporate social responsibility. 

The UK is committed to becoming NetZero by 2050, traditional industries such as manufacturing will need to expand their activities to include NetZero initiatives to meet this target. Remanufacturing - “Returning a product to at least its original performance with a warranty that is equivalent to or better than that of the newly manufactured product” – could be a method to help achieve this. 

Furthermore, as virgin resources become more expensive and scarce remanufacturing becomes an attractive option for manufacturers to build resilience in their supply chains. This concept of taking a perceived “end of life” product and reintroducing it into the supply chain is known as the circular economy and represents a large opportunity to retain the value of a product beyond its original lifespan. 


Who should attend?

This workshop is aimed at businesses and research organisations that are not involved in remanufacturing and will focus on the huge opportunity this market offers them.