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Interdisciplinary Research Centre

Edge-to-edge assembly technique for 2D nanosheets

A research team develops edge-to-edge assembly technique for 2D nanosheets.

Autonomy, Care and Family Law

Latest news from Faculty of Law - Fri, 02/02/2024 - 13:55

Hart Publishing, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing, has published Autonomy, Care and Family Law by Anna Heenan . There is a tension at the heart of family law and policy between the increasing influence of individual autonomy and the demands of caring for children. Individual autonomy envisages decisions made in one's own best interests, whereas decisions around care are often made for the good of the family, and may conflict with the caregiver's individual interests. Whereas individual autonomy valorises economic self-sufficiency, caregiving responsibilities constrain choice and conflict with paid work. This book explores this tension to consider how, given changing social trends, family law and policy should take account of caregiving responsibilities on parental separation. Crucially, it suggests that we need to rethink family law by placing care at its centre. For more information about this book, please refer to the Bloomsbury website . Current University of Cambridge staff and student members can access the ebook via Bloomsbury Collections . For information about other publications by Dr Heenan please refer to her Faculty profile .

How leafcutter ants cultivate a fungal garden to degrade plants and provide insights into future biofuels

Scientists developed a new method to map exactly how a fungus works with leafcutter ants in a complex microbial community to degrade plant material at the molecular level. The team's insights are important for biofuels development.

Researchers 3D-print functional human brain tissue

It's an achievement with important implications for scientists studying the brain and working on treatments for a broad range of neurological and neurodevelopmental disorders, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

Photonics-based wireless link breaks speed records for data transmission

Researchers demonstrated a 300 GHz-band wireless link that was able to transmit data over a single channel at a rate of 240 gigabits per second. The wireless communication system employs signal generators based on lasers that have ultra-low phase noise in the sub-terahertz band. This rate is the highest so far reported at these frequencies and is a substantial step forward in 300 GHz-band communications for 6G networks.

Hexagonal copper disk lattice unleashes spin wave control

A collaborative group of researchers has potentially developed a means of controlling spin waves by creating a hexagonal pattern of copper disks on a magnetic insulator. The breakthrough is expected to lead to greater efficiency and miniaturization of communication devices in fields such as artificial intelligence and automation technology.

Physicists develop highly robust time crystal

Researchers recently succeeded in producing a highly durable time crystal that lived millions of times longer than could be shown in previous experiments. By doing so, they have corroborated an extremely interesting phenomenon that Nobel Prize laureate Frank Wilczek postulated around ten years ago and which had already found its way into science fiction movies.

Single proton illuminates perovskite nanocrystals-based transmissive thin scintillators

Researchers have developed a transmissive thin scintillator using perovskite nanocrystals, designed for real-time tracking and counting of single protons. The exceptional sensitivity is attributed to biexcitonic radiative emission generated through proton-induced upconversion and impact ionization.

Short X-ray pulses reveal the source of light-induced ferroelectricity in SrTiO3

Researchers have gained new insights into the development of the light-induced ferroelectric state in SrTiO3. They exposed the material to mid-infrared and terahertz frequency laser pulses and found that the fluctuations of its atomic positions are reduced under these conditions. This may explain why the dipolar structure is more ordered than in equilibrium and why the laser pulses induce a ferroelectric state in the material.

Key dynamics of 2D nanomaterials: View to larger-scale production

A team of researchers mapped out how flecks of 2D materials move in liquid -- knowledge that could help scientists assemble macroscopic-scale materials with the same useful properties as their 2D counterparts.

Intensifying the production of high-value compounds from industrial waste

New research demonstrates how glycerol carbonate, a biosourced industrial additive, can be produced in record time using CO2 and a by-product of the cooking oil recycling industry. The process relies on a hybrid approach combining fundamental physical organic chemistry and applied flow process technology. Two industrial wastes are thus converted into glycerol carbonate, a biosourced rising star with high added-value.

Engineers unmask nanoplastics in oceans for the first time, revealing their true shapes and chemistry

Millions of tons of plastic waste enter the oceans each year. The sun's ultraviolet light and ocean turbulence break down these plastics into invisible nanoparticles that threaten marine ecosystems. In a new study, engineers have presented clear images of nanoplastics in ocean water off the coasts of China, South Korea and the United States, and in the Gulf of Mexico. These tiny plastic particles, which originated from such consumer products as water bottles, food packaging and clothing, were found to have surprising diversity in shape and chemical composition.

Engineers develop hack to make automotive radar 'hallucinate'

Engineers have demonstrated a system they've dubbed 'MadRadar' for fooling automotive radar sensors into believing almost anything is possible. The technology can hide the approach of an existing car, create a phantom car where none exists or even trick the radar into thinking a real car has quickly deviated from its actual course. And it can achieve this feat in the blink of an eye without having any prior knowledge about the specific settings of the victim's radar, making it the most troublesome threat to radar security to date.

Scientists make breakthrough in quantum materials research

Researchers describe the discovery of a new method that transforms everyday materials like glass into materials scientists can use to make quantum computers.

Bringing together real-world sensors and VR to improve building maintenance

A new system that brings together real-world sensing and virtual reality would make it easier for building maintenance personnel to identify and fix issues in commercial buildings that are in operation.

Capturing ultrafast light-induced phenomena on the nanoscale: development of a novel time-resolved atomic force microscopy technique

Researchers have successfully developed a new time-resolved atomic force microscopy (AFM) technique, integrating AFM with a unique laser technology. This method enables the measurement of ultrafast photoexcitation phenomena in both conductors and insulators, observed through changes in the forces between the sample and the AFM probe tip after an extremely short time irradiation of laser light. This advancement promises substantial contributions to the creation of new scientific and technological principles and fields.

Will electric fields lead the way to developing semiconductors with high power efficiency?

A joint research team has successfully induced polarization and polarity in metallic substances.

Machine learning guides carbon nanotechnology

Carbon nanostructures could become easier to design and synthesize thanks to a machine learning method that predicts how they grow on metal surfaces. The new approach will make it easier to exploit the unique chemical versatility of carbon nanotechnology.

Tracking unconventional superconductivity

At low enough temperatures, certain metals lose their electrical resistance and they conduct electricity without loss. This effect of superconductivity is known for more than hundred years and is well understood for so-called conventional superconductors. More recent, however, are unconventional superconductors, for which it is unclear yet how they work.

Groundbreaking genome editing tools unlock new possibilities for precision medicine

A team of researchers has achieved a major breakthrough in genome editing technology. They've developed a cutting-edge method that combines the power of designer-recombinases with programmable DNA-binding domains to create precise and adaptable genome editing tools.