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Interdisciplinary Research Centre


Dr Andrew Flewitt, who is a member of the University Engineering Department, received his PhD from the University of Cambridge in 1998 investigating the growth of hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin films using scanning tunnelling microscopy. Andrew stayed in the Engineering Department following the Ph. D. as a Research Associate sponsored by Philips Research Laboratories working on the low temperature fabrication of thin film transistors for liquid crystal displays. Andrew was appointed to Lectureship in August 2002, promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2006 and made Reader in Electronic Engineering in 2009. He is a Chartered Engineer and Chartered Physicist.


Research interests span large-area electronics and MEMS devices With a particular focus on inorganic thin film and nano structured materials.  Research relating to energy therefore includes solar cells on plastic substrates using low cost processing techniques.  Cuprous oxide is currently being investigated as a solar absorber material, which is a p-type semiconductor.  We are also investigating transparent n-type semiconductors based on the zinc oxide material system.  There materials are also relevant to smart windows for controlled energy management.  We also use the piezoelectric properties of zinc oxide for kinetic energy harvesting.

Professor of Electronic Engineering
Dr. Andrew  Flewitt
Available for consultancy


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